St. Jerome at Prayer
1543: Faenza, Commenda di Santa Maria Maddalena della Magione, studio of Fra’ Sabba da Castiglione; until late 18th century: Faenza, Commenda di Santa Maria Maddalena della Magione, library; 1866: Faenza, acquired by a priest named Domenico Valenti; 1895: Faenza, acquired by Agostino Cavina
St. Jerome kneels in a cave with the lion the sources tell us he healed and tamed crouching at his feet. The penitent saint steadies a crucifix with one hand while preparing to strike his breast with a stone held in the other. The relief adorned the study of Fra’ Sabba da Castiglione, which was situated in a room in the bell tower of Santa Maria Maddalena della Magione in Faenza. In his Ricordi, Fra’ Sabba describes the relief as “in earth, but emulating bronze” in reference to its original colour, which imitated that particular metal and minimal darkish traces of which can still be made out on the surface. On the button fastening the saint’s tunic, impressed in the clay, we can make out the tiny figure of a man lifting a vase. Depicting the potter Butades of Sicyon, whom Classical sources tell us invented terracotta, this is to all intents and purposes the sculptor’s cryptic signature.