Adoration of the Shepherds
Church of Santa Maria dell’Angelo, Faenza
This is a painting of crucial importance in reconstructing the artist’s career because not only can it be precisely dated to 1567 but it may be one of the first, if not the first, altarpieces he painted in his home town. The composition is influenced by what he learnt while working with Giorgio Vasari, a celebrated painter from Arezzo who wrote Lives of the Artists (1550; 1568). Vasari worked closely with Marchetti and even included a flattering biography of him in the (1568) edition of his Lives. Yet in this altarpiece, alongside Vasari’s influence, we can also detect an echo of the work that Marchetti saw in Rome, in Mannerist circles and through contact with artists from northern Europe. The result is a painting which, while very much up to date, is somewhat chaotic, and in connection with which modern scholars have tended to adopt a negative view until only very recently.